The safety of our students and staff is always a priority at Collins Career Technical Center. Unfortunately, Lawrence County has recently seen a rise in COVID-19 cases that have affected several county school districts. We felt this would be a good time to praise our students and staff and remind parents of the steps we have been following to contain the virus’s spread. We would also like to take the opportunity to thank the student’s families for their support and patience with the changes we needed to make to help us maintain a safe environment for our students. Finally, we would like to thank our students and staff. We understand that there are many barriers (slow internet, family obligations, academic struggles) that make it challenging to succeed in a virtual learning environment. We feel that frustration, as well. Our teachers continue to adapt to this new teaching style and making the best they can out of this unfortunate situation.

Splitting up the days between juniors and seniors may be the most inconvenient adjustment we have had to make but may have the most significant impact. In a typical year, we would have had 490 students interacting with one another throughout the day. By splitting up the students, we have reduced that number to 246 on junior days and 244 on senior days. Students remain in their lab groups throughout the day. This is helpful for several reasons. First, in a positive case, the exposure is limited to the students and staff in the program and not throughout the building. Also, we can accurately determine contact tracing. When isolated in their lab in small groups, it is easier to maintain social distancing.
In a typical year, students would be spending the majority of their time with their lab instructors. They would also have regular contact with their academic teachers (English, math, science, and social studies) who contact every student in the academy. By moving academic areas online, we have drastically reduced the amount of time academic teachers share a physical space with students.

Every person who enters the building is required to wear a mask and have a temperature check. We make a second check when students arrive in their lab. This double-check detects any issues where the student’s skin was cold when they walked in from the outside. Students go-to breakfast and lunch with their lab groups, and those meal times are staggered to prevent two lab areas from crossing paths. Meals are eaten in their labs with extra social distancing when students are eating. Arrows in the hallways indicate the appropriate travel direction, and students move about the building in single-file lines to allow for proper social distancing in the hallways.
Communication is critical in this confusing time. We have worked hard to get out accurate information promptly. Messages will go out on our social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) and posted in this blog. Urgent messages go out via text alerts, student emails, and our automated phone call system.
There is no doubt that this is a unique school year for everyone. Proper planning, cooperation, and patience have helped ensure a safe learning environment. We will continue to adapt to the circumstances as they change and communicate those changes to everyone involved. Thank you for trusting us with the safety and education of these students.
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